D. Renee' Neal

Reborn Life coaching & Wellness

...Be transformed by the renewing of your mind..
Romans 12:2
Why Reborn?
Reborn Life Coaching is here to serve
We all have our story, and sometimes our stories have left scars and issues that we just can’t solve on our own. As a result we need a "rebirth". The Bible tells us, “We must be born again” and that rebirth can lead to freedom to be all God created us to be.

"Getting to US, America"
Getting to U(united)S(states), America is a 12 step in depth program and workbook to encourage racial healing and hope for Christians designed by Renee' Neal.
These 12 steps will help us unpack issues and thoughts that we may have on racism, bigotry and prejudice and how it relates to our walk with God.
“ United we stand, Divided we will surly Fall”
-Patrick Henry
The "Getting to US, America" Circle is a safe place to talk about race. This is an online gathering for those interested in having discussions about race in conjunction with the 12 step Getting to US, America program.
If you're interested in joining the circle please go to the contact page and leave your information and we will contact you when the next CIRCLE will be starting.